G12180 Hamamatsu InGaAs PIN Photodiode G12180



Fiber Coupled InGaAs PIN Photodiode 5MHz, 2.5GHz, 5GHz

供應中 The Fiber Coupled High-Speed InGaAs PIN Photodiode is based on a unique package featuring a high-speed, fast rise and fall response.

InGaAs PIN Photodiodes

InGaAs photodiodes are indispensable component in measuring light intensity and wavelength, especially in infrared detection, near infrared detection, and ...

InGaAs PIN Photodiodes

The InGaAs PIN Detectors provide high quantum efficiency from 800 nm to 1700 nm. They feature low capacitance for extended bandwidth, high resistance for ...

InGaAs photodiodes

InGaAs photodiodes for near-infrared light detection. Features include high speed, high sensitivity, low noise, and spectral responses ranging from 0.5 μm ...

[PDF] InGaAs PIN photodiodes G12180 series

InGaAs PIN photodiodes have large shunt resistance and feature very low noise. ... Amplifier for InGaAs PIN photodiode. C4159-03. Heatsink for one-stage TE ...

InGaAs PIN Photodiodes

InGaAs PIN Photodiodes provide exceptional sensitivity in the NIR, ideal for precise and fast detection applications.

[PDF] InGaAs PIN Photodiode 75 µm

InGaAs (@ 5V bias, 1300nm Laser Source, 25°C. Maximum Input power 10mW, 50/125um test fiber. 0.9pF maximum capacitance. 0.8A/W min responsivity. PDINP075FC13-W ...


Marktech Optoelectronics High-Speed InGaAs PIN Photodiode Photodetectors are a high-sensitivity and high-reliability product series.

InGaAs PD - PIN PD - 產品介紹

- High-speed InGaAs Avalanche Photodiode - High-speed GaAs PIN Photodiode - High-speed WDM PIN Photodiode - TO-25 mini size PIN PD TO / Pigtail for High ...


供應中TheFiberCoupledHigh-SpeedInGaAsPINPhotodiodeisbasedonauniquepackagefeaturingahigh-speed,fastriseandfallresponse.,InGaAsphotodiodesareindispensablecomponentinmeasuringlightintensityandwavelength,especiallyininfrareddetection,nearinfrareddetection,and ...,TheInGaAsPINDetectorsprovidehighquantumefficiencyfrom800nmto1700nm.Theyfeaturelowcapacitanceforextendedbandwidth,highresistancefor ...,I...